What Makes a Musical Sound Part 1 – Pitch and Loudness

In a previous post we saw that sound is made up of waves of differing pressure in the air, caused by the vibration of air particles. Musical sounds are no exception – even the most intricate and exquisite chords are still encoded in the back-and-forth motion of the air particles that carry the wave from source to ear. What is it that makes some vibrations sound musical, while others sound … Read the rest

What is a Sound?

Image by Mick Lissone, public domain.

In the novel The Phantom Tollbooth, the protagonist Milo journeys through a strange kingdom where the laws of nature, as we know them, do not quite hold. At one point he stumbles into the Valley of Sound, which has been completely enshrouded in silence since its Soundkeeper locked all sounds away in her fortress. Milo visits her in the fortress, the only … Read the rest