Digitally Transforming a Female Voice to a Male Voice

Here’s a recording of a woman reciting a line from the Catalan poem La Vaca Cega:

Speech-female.wav by xserra / CC BY.

Suppose that you wanted to take the recording and change the quality of the voice — change it into a male-sounding voice, for instance.  How would you go about it?  I did this recently for an online audio processing course I Read the rest

The Fourier Transform and the Spectrum

Sine waves combining to form a violin waveform.

In What Makes a Musical Sound Part 2, I talked about the spectrum, which shows what frequencies are present in a sound.  In this explicative post, I’ll go into more detail about how we obtain the spectrum, and about what it means when we say a sound is made up of different frequencies.

Sine Waves

But first – what does Read the rest

What Makes a Musical Sound Part 2 – Tone Quality and Spectra

Here’s a violin playing the note G (with frequency 784 Hz), followed by a flute playing the same note:

Sounds from the Philharmonia Orchestra’s free sound samples / CC BY-SA 3.0.

In part 1 of this series on what makes a musical sound, we looked at two basic properties of a musical note – its pitch and loudness. Since these two notes … Read the rest